September seemed to come and go with lots happening and not nearly enough time to blog it all. We began the month with our part-time neighbors, Steven and Jackie, in town with their dog Ruby. Sam used to be pretty cautious of Ruby but now he loves playing with her as long as she doesn't get too rambunctious. Ben, on the other hand, takes playing to a whole new level. He and Ruby run, chase, play catch, and are attached at the hip. Ben
adores Ruby and she seems to have similar sentiments about him. We would love to have a dog of our own but our home just isn't big enough. We consider Steve and Jackie to be the best possible kind of neighbors (despite only being here part-time). They are kind, welcoming, and love our kids. Whenever we go outside the boys always have to check to see if Steve and Jackie's truck is outside and if it is we
have to stop by and say hello. And if their truck isn't in the driveway, then the boys call up to the deck to see if Ruby is home.
When they are in town we take walks with Steve and Jackie, play outside, play inside, have dinners together and generally hang out. Ben even helped Steve install some shelves in one of their closets which led to the boys "building" on their own. Despite the rough economy there are several construction sites around town including one just down the road from us. There is always a pile of small pieces of lumber that have been discarded. The boys find them perfect for hammering.
In general, September has been a lot of fun and I have at least three more separate blog posts to sum it all up.
Ben and Ruby
The work crew.
The job foreman.
Jackie loves Sam!
Ben dressed himself up as a fireman - sometimes it's best not to ask.
Me too! (If I take a picture of Ben then I can't forget Sam)
Brian at the Sheriff's Station Open House.
The ladder on the fire department's ladder truck.
Ben was very proud of the strings he cut to tie between the power poles.
Running a railroad is exhausting!
Sam at a recent "Little Twigs" playgroup.
I noticed there are very few photos of me in our blog because I am the one behind the lens. So, here's one of me still the photographer but on the other side of the lens.