Monday, September 27, 2010

Camping Part 2 - Monterey

We woke early after our second night of camping in Felton to have a quick breakfast before hopping in the car to head south to Monterey and their world-famous aquarium. With little trouble we made our way south, maneuvered through downtown Monterey and found parking near the aquarium. The boys were thrilled to see the huge tanks and everything they held. If they hadn't been hungry we probably would have sat in front of one tank for hours watching an aquarium volunteer scrubbing the inside of the glass. All of the exhibits were amazing but I think we all agreed that the jellyfish and the seahorses were the most spectacular. And, rather than telling you all about every little sea creature here are some photos instead...


  1. The jellyfish are always my favorite too!

  2. We saw a jelly exhibit at the New England aquarium a few summers ago and they were so cool. It's too bad they make the Mediterranean in Israel unswimmable for six weeks in June and July.
