Monday, November 8, 2010

Costumes, Pumpkins, and Places to Be

October has come and gone and I keep telling my faithful readers (my mother-in-law and my sister and brother-in-law) that I haven't blogged because nothing has really been happening. Yet when I just looked back over the past month of photos and items written into my calendar I realize that the real reason I haven't blogged is because there has been too much going on.

I know it has been nearly a month since my last post so I will attempt to catch up on all that has happened since then...

The first week of October is a vacation for the Incline Schools and we kicked off our week on October 4th with a playdate with Ben's friend, Ashley.  They had a great morning playing together and at one point dressed up as "super heroes".

On October 20th we debuted our family theme costumes for Halloween 2010 at the TCF Harvest Party.  This year's theme: trains.  The boys were engineers, I was the conductor, and Brian was the train robber.

After the TCF party the boys thought they would try on Daddy's cowboy boots which were previously worn and owned by Brian's dad.  As you can see, the boys have big boots to fill.

Ben opted to go for the entire look wearing the cowboy boots and a cowboy hat given to Daddy last Christmas by Danny (the Chilean cowboy and cousin Megan's boyfriend).

On October 23rd, the entire family enjoyed the annual Incline Village Nursery School Pumpkin Patch.  I was the committee chair for the bakesale and Brian was there early to help with set up.  When the boys came to play they spent most of their time in the two bouncy houses.  I have no photos of the day as we were all too busy to stop and snap photos.  We all came home for lunch after a couple hours of fun, I put Sam down for a rest, left Brian to rest on the couch and Ben and I headed back to finish out the day volunteering and playing.  After more time in the bouncy houses Ben returned to the bake sale table where I was stationed and getting ready to wrap up.  I had just started counting the proceeds when he began to whine.  I told him I would be just a few more minutes and then experienced a fountain of vomit right onto the stack of one dollar bills I was counting.  Ben's face went from white to gray to green and the other moms nearby helped me clean things up and get him home.  One more round of vomiting in the middle of the night and then he was as good as new.

On Monday, October 25th, Brian opened the front door to head off to work and found a package waiting for us.  Again I failed to take photos but it was filled with the most creatively decorated cupcakes from one of our favorite sitters, Diana.  What a treat!!!

On Tuesday, October 26th, the boys joined me for a day of shopping in Carson City.  For my business I usually need to make at least one large shopping trip a month to have all the supplies for my weekly dinners.  We had a rather uneventful day and the boys had both been very well-behaved.  When we returned to town I decided to take all the work-related groceries to the kitchen.  Ben had fallen asleep in the car on the way back but Sam was wide awake.  He came into the building with me and helped me get things put away.  As we were going back to the car he told me he wanted to climb in by himself.  I opened the car door for him and as he picked up his speed to run toward the car he tripped and hit his face along the bottom trim below the door.  I thought he hit his forehead and immediately scooped him up.  He screamed in pain as I checked him for damages.  There was no blood but I did see a small abrasion on the right side of his nose.  The trauma of the event ruined any chances of a nap for the afternoon and as the evening approached you could see the bruises beginning to appear.  Here he is a couple of hours after the incident.

By the next day the bump was more obvious but a visit to the doctor's office concluded that his little nose wasn't broken.

On Wednesday, October 27th, Ben got to dress up in his Halloween costume and take part in his preschool's costume parade.  The class of 4 year-olds marched around the classroom and then sang several songs for the parents in attendance.  Brian was even able to sneak away from his office to catch the show.

On Friday, October 29th, people across the state of Nevada celebrated Nevada Day.  Nevada was admitted to the Union on October 31, 1864, so Nevada Day is October 31st each year.  The state has chosen to celebrate it on the last Friday of the month which means a long weekend near Halloween each year - good news for kids.  We did our part in celebrating by attending a birthday/playgroup/Halloween costume party for one of Sam's playmates.  The boys decided not to wear their costumes but instead opted to wear their Halloween shirts from Nan and Teddy.  We all had a great time and went home with goodie bags and more of Diana's amazing cupcakes.

We made a spur of the moment decison on Saturday, October 30th, to drive over to Reno to visit our county library's annual Friends of the Library book sale.  We all found some fun books and then headed home for a quiet afternoon.  We had decided to hold off on carving our Jack-o-Lantern until closer to Halloween so on the afternoon of the 30th we went to work.  Ben designed the face, Daddy scooped the guts, and I carved (the fish in the pumpkin's jaws was my addition to Ben's design).  Neither Ben nor Sam wanted to touch the pumpkin guts because they were too mushy.

On Sunday, October 31st, we attended church and then in the afternoon Ben and I attended a birthday party for his friend Anna.  Sam napped and Brian stayed home with him.  It was a costume party but after the week and a half of Halloween-themed events Ben's words to me when I asked him if he wanted to dress up were, "No thanks.  I'm kind of over it."  Regardless of not being in costume, he had a great time playing with his friends and we arrived home just in time for Sam to wake up.  We then opted to go and visit the neighbors and take their dog a treat.  We all ended up going to one of our favorite Italian restaurants for dinner. 

On Monday, November 1st, the boys and I made the short drive to Truckee to meet up with my two great friends Steph (and her kids) and Tabitha (and her boyfriend Ian) for a late breakfast.  Again, I took few photos but did manage to get one cute one of Ben, Sam and Julianna.  I don't see my friends very often so even a couple of hours in a bagel shop was pure heaven!

My business, Meals By Maggie, has been very busy lately.  Over the month of October I made Mexican Lasagna, BBQ Pork Sandwiches, and Golden-Potato Leek Soup.  And so far in November I have made Chicken Potpie.   I normally average between 20 and 30 servings that I sell each week but for some reason the potpie was a big hit and I ended up making over 50 servings!!!  When I returned home at the end of the day I was greeted by a lion and a whale....the boys had made masks with our amazing sitter Jaime.

Back in August Brian and I attended a benefit dinner and auction for our church.  One of the items we won in the silent auction was a treatment at a local spa.  So, on Saturday, November 6th, I was the lucky recipient of a massage and facial.  It really couldn't have been at a better time as I had knots across my back and shoulders from the busy day of cooking on Thursday.  Thanks, Brian!
And that leads us up to today, November 8th.  Ben is at preschool, Brian is at work, and I am here at home with Sam who is playing and narrating every move he makes.  Getting this post up was no small feat as I experienced multiple problems with uploading photos and dealing with a computer that doesn't seem to like me much lately.  Oh well, at least my readers will be appeased ;-)

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