Saturday, January 16, 2010

Truck Luck

In the six and a half years that I have known Brian I have never seen the old Ramcharger do anything more than sit in the garage.  The old truck dates back to Great-Grandpa Browder who purchased the truck in the 1970's.  Brian "inherited" the truck, had a little work done to it, and enjoyed driving it when he lived in the Bay Area during his bachelor days.  Since moving up in elevation the old truck became old and grouchy about the lack of oxygen.  Brian had another car (a true bachelor sports car) when we met so the need to fix up the Ramcharger was pointless.  When we found out I was pregnant with Ben we both traded in our less than practical cars (the sports car for Brian and the two-wheel drive sedan for me) and opted for the "Super-Deluxe Mommy Wagon," AKA a Subaru Outback Wagon, AKA the official car of Lake Tahoe.
After having the boys and trying to get both of them into carseats with the car crammed in the garage with the Ramcharger and all of the kid gear we had accumulated we decided that maybe it was time to find the old truck a new home.  Luckily, our friend Paul enjoys older cars and fixing them up so we offered the truck to him.....about two years ago.

Needless to say, despite all our best efforts/intentions the truck remained in the garage collecting dust, kids' toys, etc., etc., as we went through last year's remodel and another full year.  We joked with Paul whenever we saw him that his truck was becoming a virtual storage unit in our garage and he was welcome to take it any time.  The boys even picked up on it and Ben would occasionally ask, "When is Paul coming to get his truck?"

After the most recent new year Brian made it his personal mission to say goodbye to the truck once and for all so that we could put the space in our garage to better use.  Which leads us to today......

Paul arrived early and he and Brian went right to work emptying the truck and clearing out the masses of things that had come to live under it......extra molding for the cabinets, old paint cans, spools of wire, the old vertical blinds that were removed during the remodel, and other things I didn't even know existed in our garage. 
I would like to say that as soon as the truck was towed out the space in the garage was instantly usable but the reality is that all that stuff had to go somewhere and that currently happens to be spread across the garage floor.  So though it's one small step for used cars everywhere it's one giant leap for the Browder family.

All loaded up and ready to go.....another reason to love AAA.

The boys waving goodbye to the old truck.

Making the deal official!

The aftermath.


  1. It makes me laugh that Lake Tahoe has an official car. Subarus were super popular in the San Bernardino Mountains, too. The Mazda 3 is the official car of Israel, in case you were ever wondering.

    Wow, you have a big garage!

  2. I don' think Lake Tahoe actually has an official car, we just joke that it would be a Subaru since they are so practical and popular here.
